We’re here!

So it was a long journey, with lots of singing and some questionable food choices, but the team arrived at Porthkerris Divers at 1630 on Sunday to meet the Dive Project Cornwall team. We stopped for a break at Taunton Deane, and then for lunch at Cornwall Services – Arthur confidently advised us that it’s the best services anywhere. Everyone has had safety briefings, the teachers had a long session with Andy Forster, and then we all enjoyed a welcome BBQ.

The minibuses are unpacked, everyone has their space in a tent, and we’re good to go. Tomorrow we’ll be fitted for our dive gear, two groups will have pool sessions and we’ll all get more used to moving around the site.

We really enjoyed our trip around the site and seeing where we will go diving. It was great fun.

DiveCleeve Team Seals
Posted in Dive News.